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The Orlando Sentinel

Hispanics Give Little Money To Candidates

by María T. Padilla

October 8, 2000
Copyright © 2000 The Orlando Sentinel. All Rights Reserved.

Getting Hispanics to donate money to political campaigns is proving to be a difficult task.

Hispanics give little to political candidates, including Hispanic ones. That is becoming a hot topic as more Hispanics run for political office and struggle to raise money.

"When it comes to Hispanics giving, we`re not used to it," said Belinda Ortíz, who ran unsuccessfully for Orlando City Council earlier this year.

Candidates think low contributions translate to diminished political influence.

U.S. Rep. Loretta Sánchez, D-Calif., has tried to focus national attention on the issue by organizing a political-action committee called Hispanic Unity USA to raise funds. Here`s why:

In the 1998 elections, Hispanics nationwide made up about 2 percent of individual contributions to federal campaigns, according to a study by the Sun-Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale.

Hispanics in Florida contributed more, accounting for 5 percent, or $1.5 million, of the total from Florida.

Puerto Rico, which is a U.S. territory and a lot poorer than Florida, gave $1 million to federal campaigns.

However, campaign giving on the local level looks a lot different than the national picture. Many Hispanic candidates say they have a difficult time raising money. A day`s worth of financial pitches can total donations of less than $500, which is the state limit on individual contributions.

Of about $46,000 that Anthony Suárez raised for his recent unsuccessful bid for Orange-Osceola circuit court judge, for example, 65 percent came from his own pocket, according to campaign-finance reports. James Auffant, Democratic candidate for state legislative District 35, has put up 77 percent of his own campaign funds. And Dalis Guevara, who is running for Osceola County commissioner, donated all of the $10,000 in her campaign chest.

"The fact is, without that . . . money, Hispanic campaigns start way behind," said Jose Pérez, vice mayor of Deltona.

Experts blame low contributions on higher poverty levels among Hispanics, according to "The Color of Money," a study by Public Campaign, a campaign-finance-reform group.

Still others say Hispanics aren`t aware of the need to contribute.

For instance, political campaigns are organized differently in Puerto Rico, where it`s not unusual for party faithful to stand on street corners collecting money in tin cans.

Puerto Ricans make up more than half of Central Florida`s Hispanic population.

Federal campaign reports show that in Buenaventura Lakes in Kissimmee, which is heavily Puerto Rican, no individuals have donated $200 or more to candidates running for national office this year. In 1998, the entire area generated $500, and an additional $2,300 was raised in 1994.

"What I have received my opponents can get in less than 2 hours," said Guevara, who is vying for the County Commission seat that includes Buenaventura Lakes.

For some candidates, this is a reminder that there`s no such thing as a Hispanic campaign.

"We never looked at ethnicity as a source of funding," said Lou Pendás, who recently raised about $75,000 in contributions in his failed quest to unseat Orange County Commissioner Mary Johnson.

Pendás said he was "lucky" because he contributed only $20,000, or 26 percent, of that amount.

Pendás thinks some of Central Florida`s approximate 50 Hispanic organizations should form political action committees to increase their influence. "That will enable Hispanics to gain access to some political leaders," he said.

But many groups have said they don`t want to become "political."

Tico Pérez of Orlando, who ran for the state Legislature in 1992, said Hispanics are influential in other ways. Hispanics may not give a lot of money, but they tend to volunteer, and that`s just as important.

"Committed volunteers are worth more than money," he said.

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